Cost effectiveness analysis in Japan – What’s changed?
Lucas Moore Lucas Moore

Cost effectiveness analysis in Japan – What’s changed?

Despite the fact that CEAs are currently focused on listed products, if cost-effectiveness takes more of a prominent role in the HTA process at launch this could result in potential new challenges for pricing and market access in Japan.

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Germany’s HTA Process Changes
Esther Nzenza Esther Nzenza

Germany’s HTA Process Changes

In July, the Health Ministry in Germany published a draft of a new bill referred to as the Act for Financial Stability of the Public Health Insurance (GKV-FinStG). Despite strong opposition and critique raised by almost all stakeholders, the draft law was agreed upon by the Federal Cabinet on July 27th.

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The current state of the                    Market Access in Ireland
Lucas Moore Lucas Moore

The current state of the Market Access in Ireland

Individuals who take out private health insurance has increased in Ireland from 21% in 2008 to roughly 40% in 2022. How does this drastic shift to private healthcare reflect the government’s lack of funding towards new, more expensive treatments that have greater clinical efficacy?

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